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how to choose

Find the perfect cabinet for your needs by answering the following questions.

How Many Bottles?

Small Models - up to 92 bottles

These units can store up to 92 bottles of wine and are usually small enough to fit under counters in a modern kitchen. Their small size makes them perfect for people with a modest collection of wine or for situations where space is limited.

Medium Models - up to 180 bottles

These units occupy the middle ground between, making them perfect of the normal wine lover. With enough capacity to accommodate a healthy collection of bottles, they are also still small enough to comfortably fit in most homes. Some of these units also boast more than one temperature zone, making them perfect for people who wish to store wine both for maturing and for serving.

Large Models - up to 240 bottles

Some manufacturers produce large wine storage units that are perfect for the serious collector and also for professional situations. With enough room to store all but the largest collections these units can boast features such as multiple-temperature zones, and display shelves. Unsurprisingly, these models tend to be large in size, making them suitable only in cases where space is not a consideration.

Our unique relationship with many of the manufacturers means that we are able to offer a host of unbeatable offers every month.

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